Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is defined by many scholars; it is the question of people whether to be their boss or to be hired by another person to perform his obligations. The emergence of technology has clarified answer to this question. With the help of technology and the availability of resources and capital and luck, one can easily pursue an entrepreneurial career and can successfully exercise entrepreneurship.

What is an Entrepreneurship?

The capacity, passion, willingness to develop, manage and organize one's own business by taking the risk to maximize the profit. Greater the risk greater the profit generation would be.

To read about the passion for entrepreneurship you can refer to our blog.

Entrepreneurship is the combining of resources such as land, labor, capital, intelligence, and skills to make an effective beginning.  Nowadays due to globalization and innovation in the business environment, the definition of entrepreneurship has transformed. The new definition of entrepreneurship is solving critical and big problems of the business and the people. It is like bringing social change in the society by creating an innovative product or a new life-changing innovation.

The one thing that the definition of entrepreneurship doesn't tell you is that what a person does to take their career as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is building the life of their terms. The quote from a famous scholar has convince one to become an entrepreneur. 
Don’t let others convince you that the idea is good when your gut tells you it’s bad." -Kevin Rose co-founded Digg

An entrepreneur can analyses the problem that prevails in a society and then develops ways to cater to those problems by seeking opportunities that offer innovative solutions to those existing problems.  Entrepreneurs making the first step to make the world a better place for everyone. 

 Who is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who makes money by starting his own business by seeking the possible opportunities that provide a solution to overcome problems prevailing in the society. If one is seeking a profitable business, he comes under the definition of an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur imagines the world differently. The world is full of many examples of entrepreneurs. Millions of successful entrepreneurs exist around the globe, who face difficulties than to fulfill their dreams, but now sharing success stories. Amongst the popular entrepreneur, the big names come forefront are Bill Gates, Jackman, Steves Jobs, Elon Musk, etc. They have introduced the world with new products that have revolutionized their way of living. Entrepreneur contribute value to the people of the world.

What causes entrepreneur success?

Sharing a review of successful and legend of entrepreneur, Steve’s jobs.

According to Jobs, two things are required to build a successful company: passion and people. Jobs said so in an interview he did with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in 2007.

"It's really hard. And you have to do it over a sustained period. So, if you don't love it if you're not having fun doing it ... you're going to give up. And that's what happens to most people, actually," Jobs said.

“You’ve got to be a really good talent scout because no matter how smart you are, you need a team of great people,” said Jobs. “You’ve got to figure out how to size people up fairly quickly, make decisions without knowing people too well and hire them and see how you do and refine your intuition ... because you need great people around you,”

"The idea of being at the forefront and seeing new things and things we wanted to do and being able to bring in different people who were fun to work with... I think it's a lot about the people and the passion."

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” Guess, Steve Jobs knew this to be true that you have to change the game and others will follow.

One can get the motivation from the Steve's jobs to be an entrepreneur and can capture the idea of being a successful entrepreneur. From his interview, one can get the idea of what is needed to be a trendsetter. The elements shared by the Steve's job in his interview give guidance to the people who wanted to be a business tycoon.


In this article, we have provided the definition of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur and the success factors that are important for entrepreneurs according to Steve Jobs.


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